Discover the Power of Giving

Household budgets are strained, which makes giving more challenging than ever. People are working with reduced resources, and many feel we don’t have enough to enjoy our own lives. Therefore, the idea of giving may seem unreasonable. But maybe now – more than ever – is the best time to share because there is power in giving. 

“Hold material goods and wealth on a flat palm and not in a clenched fist.” Alistair Begg 

Most of us are blessed with so much already. Our parents, teachers, relatives, friends, and others have given us a lot. Others, however, are not so fortunate. 

Consider this: 

  • 25% of the world’s population is starving.
  • 15% of the world’s population cannot read or write.
  • 25 children die every minute from a preventable disease.
  • 1.5 billion people don’t have access to clean water.

It’s not necessary to look far from home to find genuine needs. The United States has many homeless people. There are many people not receiving proper nutrition and health care. Some children aren’t getting the attention they need to flourish. 

In giving, you discover personal benefits: 
  • A feeling of pride
  • An opportunity to make new relationships
  • The realization that you have much more than you think 

Studies show that giving, specifically volunteering, results in a positive change in well-being. Furthermore, giving improves your mental and physical health. 

One of the more profound benefits to the giver is the reduction in fear. Considering everything happening in the world, many people fear economic collapse, natural disasters, crime, paying their bills, caring for their children and their parents, and numerous other things. That is a function of real-life events and the overly sensational coverage by the media. 

What’s insidious is the effect it has on many people. People become more isolated and less connected with society and their community. Many don’t even know their neighbors. Sharing your time opens you up to others and your community. Ascentim is committed to donating at least 20% of our coaching revenue to support others. That’s just one of the ways we celebrate success and spread joy.

Giving Helps You Reach Your Full Potential

Mahatma Gandhi said, “To find yourself, lose yourself in the service of others.” 

Reaching your full potential is much more likely when you give. No person can fully realize their capabilities without being passionate about their day-to-day activities. 

A person who can’t move beyond the more superficial aspects of life can never do anything spectacular because he is unlikely to gain exposure to anything that generates the prerequisite passion. But giving makes room for more! The more you give, the more you receive. Happiness comes from sharing joy with others and reaping it for yourself.

  • “Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full – pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” – Luke 6:38 

Leave a Legacy Through Your Giving 

Leaving a personal legacy is not only about transferring assets to the next generation. It is also about living your life meaningfully now. How you live and give today creates the wealth that passes to future generations. 

“Make a difference, change the game for the better, leave a legacy, be a guide that someone else can follow and make better, and then someone else will follow that and make that better.”Carlos Wallace 

It’s in Your Nature to Give

It’s in your nature to give, even if you’ve forgotten. Witness most children: sure, some are all “mine, mine, and mine,” but most kids readily give and share. They want to:

  • Take their friends everywhere with them
  • Feed the baby ducks
  • Take care of their dolls 

However, somewhere along the way, did you develop the belief that you must keep what you acquired for yourself? If so, you have the power to choose a new outlook. Cultivate an abundance mindset and steer clear of scarcity thinking, which limits your success. 

So, decide to give what you have. You may have time, money, or both to share with those less fortunate, but share something and witness the impact on your life. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the power of giving and the benefits it brings into your life.

Welcome – Here, you G.R.O.W.!

Lisa L. Baker - Certified Personal, Career, Success and Life Coach

Allow me to officially welcome to you our blog.

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Here, you’ll find inspirational quotes, thought-provoking articles, challenging questions, and personal stories to help you reignite your passions, connect to your purpose and leverage your strengths.

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