The Skills You Need to Level Up to Leadership
The Skills You Need to Level Up to Leadership Balancing it all in life. As we move higher in an organization and take on bigger leadership roles we have to let go of being the “doer”, learn to delegate. Build other skills: influence, collaboration, strategic planning, thought leadership, etc. It’s a tale as old as time. A high-performer like yourself, someone who’s really great at whatever it is you do, gets noticed. A leadership role opens up and, because you’re so good at doing your thing, you get promoted. Hurray! You have a fancy new ...
Leading with Vision
Leading With Vision The greatest leaders have a diverse set of skills. They can manage people and projects, strategize, delegate, and inspire. Fundamental to all of this – to being a leader that people want to perform their best for – is having a vision and being able to communicate it effectively. What Is Your Vision? It’s a simple question: What is your vision? If you can’t answer that, we have some work to do! We can’t communicate our vision to others if we don't know what it is. The reason that a vision is ...
Becoming a Leader: 6 Strategies to Build Self-Trust
Becoming a Leader: 6 Strategies to Build Self-Trust Is leveling up your leadership skills on the agenda this year? If so, let’s talk about building a strong foundation from which to grow. Great leaders foster high-performing teams, leading to successful businesses with inclusive company culture. For all that to happen, there’s one very necessary ingredient: TRUST. I’m not talking about whether or not your boss trusts you. Nor am I’m not talking about whether or not your direct reports trust you. I’m talking today about whether or not you trust yourself. After all, we can’t ...
It’s a New Year! Will There Be a New You?
It's a New Year! Will There Be a New You? One of my favorite things about January 1st is that it feels like a page has turned, and not just on the calendar. After wrapping up 2023, reflecting on successes and – yes – failures, we get to decide what comes next. Who do you want to be in 2024? One of the best pieces of advice I’ve heard was this: You get to make a choice. And if you don’t like the outcome, guess what? You get to make a different choice. I encourage ...