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Archives for lbaker

Apr22, 2024

Embodying Transformation And Authentic Leadership 

April 22, 2024|

Embodying Transformation and Authentic Leadership  In a LinkedIn world, we are bombarded with messages about doing more, being better, and garnering awards and certificates – all forms of external validation. But for those of us who are already doing what we need to be doing – or are stretched too thin to do any more than what we are doing now, what is the counter-narrative?  Where is the message that you are enough, just as you are?  Allow me to introduce you to the concept of embodying transformation.  Embodying Transformation  There is certainly a place ...

Apr15, 2024

The Shift: Moving From Dependence to Interdependence

April 15, 2024|

The Shift: Moving From Dependence to Interdependence We use the word ‘journey’ a lot around here because it applies to so many things. Life itself, from childhood through adulthood and on to, if we’re lucky, old age, is nothing if not a journey. So is the decision to transform an aspect of your life, like your career, your relationship with others, or even your relationship with yourself.  The journey I want to talk about today is a profound and transformational one in which we navigate through the various stages of dependence and independence and ultimately ...

Apr8, 2024

An Expert Lens on Transformation

April 8, 2024|

An Expert Lens on Transformation As we move through our lives, it is often the challenges, transitions, and milestone moments that shape how we see ourselves. And how we view the world. That’s why understanding the stages of adult development is so important. We can transform those challenges into opportunities when we learn how to navigate trauma healing and foster personal growth.  And that is not work you need to undertake alone. A transformational coach can guide you, and many experts have already illuminated the path forward. Today, I offer you words of wisdom from ...

Apr1, 2024

Heal the Past, Shape the Future Through Transformational Coaching

April 1, 2024|

Heal the Past, Shape the Future Through Transformational Coaching During our formative years, we go through a process of becoming. Who we become at that time isn’t necessarily who we are forever. But the lens through which we see the world is shaped. It’s how we perceive events, our surroundings, and others. It's also how we translate our lived experiences.  How much of that lens colors your identity today?  Have you ever wanted to go deeper into the depths of your identity and unravel the layers of ‘you’ that formed in your younger years? If ...

Mar25, 2024

Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders

March 25, 2024|

Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders Spoiler alert: the future is female!  While I absolutely love celebrating Women’s History Month, I am equally excited when I envision a future where women leaders are just as common – if not more so – than men. Women are not just contributors to change or cogs in the wheels of success. No, we are the driving force behind it.  Because the future of leadership is undoubtedly female, we have some work to do today to pave the way for them. That starts with preparation and empowerment so today’s young women can ...

Mar18, 2024

Sisterhood in The Workplace

March 18, 2024|

Sisterhood In The Workplace Women are by no means a monolith, yet there are fundamental experiences we share. While many of us have found success in the workplace, several barriers have historically hindered our progress. Discrepancies in the opportunities and salaries afforded to female employees in the corporate world continue to this day.  That is precisely why the importance of women supporting women cannot be overstated. A strong network and a trusted community are critical in the workplace and in other aspects of our lives. Remember that alleged village it takes to raise a child? ...

Mar11, 2024

Who Is Breaking the Glass Ceiling?

March 11, 2024|

Who Is Breaking the Glass Ceiling? Who is breaking the glass ceiling? We all know it’s true: the corporate world has long been dominated by male leaders. (Something I’m working hard to change, by the way!) Even so, we have seen a gradual shift in the past few decades with workplaces becoming more diverse and inclusive. Heck, the Vice President of the United States of America is a woman of color.  It’s not possible to get a breakdown of gender, culture, and color for every company across the country, but we can look at certain ...

Mar4, 2024

The Many Challenges Faced by Women in Leadership

March 4, 2024|

The Many Challenges Faced by Women in Leadership There are many challenges faced by women in leadership. Despite its strides toward diversity and inclusion, Corporate America remains a challenging labyrinth to navigate for women. Women in general. Women of color in particular. And women who aspire to leadership roles, the C-suite, and the boardroom.  There’s no doubt that we have made significant progress over the past few decades. But gender disparities are stubborn, impacting both earnings and opportunities for the women who show up every day and give 100%.  This is especially true of minority ...

Feb26, 2024

Carrying On

February 26, 2024|

Carrying On Even while Black History Month celebrates how far we have come, it also serves as a reminder that the work is not done. Progress is not promised, and the legacy is only carried forward if we step up to do our part and carry it forward. We cannot forget the before-times and the stories of triumph if the legacy of progress is to endure. It is easy to get lulled into a sense of security - to believe things that have been a certain way for as long as we can remember will ...

Feb19, 2024

Unity Is Power

February 19, 2024|

Unity Is Power We are more powerful when we stand together.  That is a fact. For every singular event and shining achievement, you can bet it took more than one individual to pull it off. Partnerships and collaboration have contributed to every transformative moment in history. It takes a team to leap beyond our singular abilities and requires a collective effort to start a transformative movement.  March on Washington  Since it just so happens to be Black History Month, let’s talk about one of the most crucial collective efforts in our history: the 1963 March ...

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