The W in G.R.O.W.: Winning
The W in G.R.O.W.: Winning your career and life can often feel like a maze, especially for high-performing leaders with a drive to succeed. There’s a finish line around here somewhere, but we can’t always recognize which turn gets us to the exit and which is a dead end. And unless you can see the big picture, it might be hard to get it right. That’s why it’s so important to know what your big picture is. Put another way, what does winning look like to you? Is it success in your career at ...
The O in G.R.O.W.: Overcome Obstacles
The O in G.R.O.W.: Overcome Obstacles Obstacles rear their ugly heads in many ways. When it comes to careers and the clients I coach, however, there are two that feature prominently in so many of my conversations. One is the pervasive influence of the word should. The other is good, old-fashioned fear. If you’re trying to move forward in your career and finding yourself stuck instead, it’s worth considering whether the obstacle in your path is fear, a sense of obligation, or both. Should I? Yes, you should! To be more specific, that’s the correct ...
The R in G.R.O.W.: Realize New Possibilities
The R in G.R.O.W.: Realize New Possibilities In this second week of Mental Health Month, I invite you to consider this simple question: What more am I capable of? There is a world bursting with possibilities each of us has yet to realize. In fact, that is one of the most miraculous parts of these lives we get to live. Who you are today is not who you were 10 or 20 years ago. Furthermore, the world hasn’t met the incredible, amazing future version of you. Who will that superstar be? And what will you ...
The G in G.R.O.W.: Gain Clarity
The G in G.R.O.W.: Gain Clarity May is Mental Health Awareness Month, reminding us how important it is to pause now and then to reflect on our life, where we are, and, most importantly, how we feel about it. If you’re anything like me, you’re busy and trying to do it all. Consequently, our days are full as we move from one task to the next without missing a step. It’s a heavy burden when your natural gear is DRIVE. And you like driving fast. But when we’re speeding along, sometimes we lose sight of ...