Do This to Make Your SMART Goals SMARTER
Do This to Make Your SMART Goals SMARTER We can all agree that goal setting is essential for success in our personal and professional lives. Our goals help us to chart a course in the direction we want our lives to go by helping us: Clarify our priorities Direct our focus to what matters most Realize our hopes and dreams Measure the progress we make along the way Furthermore, when we set goals in writing, they become real, increasing the likelihood of achieving them. SMART Goals Most people understand the importance of ensuring goals are ...
Boost Your Focus and Execute with These Tips
Boost Your Focus and Execute with These Tips Plan to Make 2023 a Great Year Our recent blog posts have focused on helping you take what you experienced and achieved in 2022 and leverage it to make 2023 an even better year. Did you follow the prescribed actions? If so, you have: Reflected - Looked at what did and did not work last year. And hopefully, you celebrated your achievements. Visualized - Created a clear picture of what you want this year. You possibly downloaded the Happy New You worksheet. Planned - Set goals to ...
Savvy People Plan for Success
Savvy People Plan for Success Let's create a plan for success. In my last post, I encouraged you to say goodbye to new year's resolutions. Savvy people don’t make resolutions. Frankly, they don't work. And most people who made resolutions at the start of the year have already abandoned them. But there is a better approach. That is to have a vision for what you want to achieve and set growth goals to help you get there. Your goals should inspire and stretch you without being unrealistic. Goalsetting is good. Writing your goals down is better. ...
Say Goodbye to New Year’s Resolutions
Say Goodbye to New Year's Resolutions Happy New Year! After only two days of the new year, it's time to say goodbye to new year's resolutions. Visualize the year you want and set your intentions instead. Although many things are outside our control, visioning a successful year is not one of them. I know you have some hopes for 2023. Ask yourself: How will this year be different than last year? What do I want to achieve? Perhaps you want to expand your professional network, land your dream role, or reach a financial milestone. Maybe ...