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Archives for lbaker

Oct9, 2023

Purposeful Pause: Refresh

October 9, 2023|

Purposeful Pause: Refresh “Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.” - Ralph Marston I recently shared with you some thoughts on a Purposeful Pause. It's a time of reflection when high-performing people step away from their careers for a period of time to reevaluate. We discussed what to do if you can’t take a big step back and how to build bite-sized pauses into your day. Boy, did this evoke a response! It seems like y’all love the idea, but crave a little ...

Oct2, 2023

Slowing Down with Intention

October 2, 2023|

Slowing Down with Intention Welcome to fall! People seem to have a wide range of feelings about this season. The less-than-enthusiastic see the leaves falling off the trees and summer plants in the garden fading away as a negative. The cool mornings and earlier sunsets can feel like a precursor to winter and darker days ahead. Not me. I see fall in a whole different light. First of all, the symphony of colors as the leaves change is a wonder, as is a fresh-picked peck of apples (and cider donuts!) Those cooler days make long ...

Sep25, 2023

Why Your Leadership Legacy Matters

September 25, 2023|

Why Your Leadership Legacy Matters Our journey through the Leadership Blog Series has taken us from exploring the importance of Bold Leadership to understanding the significance of Authentic Leadership and honing Essential Leadership Skills. We've been on a path of defining leadership excellence. To conclude the series, we consider the concept of leadership legacy and why it holds such profound significance. Beyond the Role Legacy leadership extends far beyond your time in a particular role. It's not limited to achievements during your tenure, but rather, it's the enduring impact you leave. Your influence can positively ...

Sep18, 2023

4 Essential Skills for Leadership Excellence

September 18, 2023|

4 Essential Skills for Leadership Excellence Welcome to the third installment in our Leadership Blog Series. If you missed the previous topics, you can catch up here. In this installment, we focus on the skills every leader must develop. Leadership is a continuous journey of self-improvement and growth. As you've journeyed with us through this series, you've already explored the foundations of leadership excellence: boldness and authenticity. Let's discuss essential leadership traits—indispensable skills for effective leadership in any context. 1. Effective Communication: The Bedrock of Leadership Communication is the lifeblood of leadership. It's not just ...

Sep11, 2023

Authentic Leadership: Leading with Purpose and Integrity

September 11, 2023|

Authentic Leadership: Leading with Purpose and Integrity In this second installment of our series on leadership, we journey into the heart of leadership excellence by exploring two fundamental traits: Purpose and Integrity. If you missed the first article on Bold Leadership, you can catch up here. Now, let's embark on a journey that unravels the significance of leading with purpose and integrity—two cornerstones that define authentic leadership. A Personal Leadership Journey Let me share a story that mirrors the transformative potential of purpose-driven leadership. A few years ago, I crossed paths with a talented professional, ...

Sep4, 2023

Bold Leadership: Embracing Vision and Action

September 4, 2023|

Bold Leadership: Embracing Vision and Action There is one quality that distinguishes exceptional leaders from the rest: boldness. Bold leadership is not just a catchphrase; it represents a mindset that seamlessly merges vision and action, propelling organizations forward and creating a lasting impact. As an executive coach, I work closely with seasoned executives and emerging leaders. And I consistently encounter a shared concern: the desire to cultivate bold leadership. This article, a part of a 4-part leadership series, stands as a guiding light to address this worthy aspiration. Vision Beyond Boundaries At the heart of ...

Aug28, 2023

Investing 101: Building Wealth for the Long Term

August 28, 2023|

Investing 101: Building Wealth for the Long Term Let's talk about Investing 101: Building Wealth. Welcome to the final post in our Money Month series! Throughout this series, we've explored various topics to help you gain financial awareness and empower yourself for a brighter financial future.  Today, we explore investing—a topic that often seems intimidating and overwhelming. With so many options, unfamiliar terminology, and the ever-present element of risk, it's no wonder investing leaves many people perplexed. But fear not! I'm here to offer some practical steps and lighthearted guidance to get you started on ...

Aug21, 2023

Financial Therapy: Heal Your Relationship with Money

August 21, 2023|

The Power of Financial Therapy: Heal Your Relationship with Money Is it time to heal your relationship with money? Welcome to the third blog post in our Money Month series! Throughout the month, we have been diving into topics to help you gain financial awareness and empower yourself for a brighter financial future. In our previous posts, we explored the fundamentals of building a solid financial foundation and the significance of financial knowledge. You can catch up on our blog if you missed them.  This post covers the transformative power of financial therapy—an approach that ...

Aug14, 2023

Financial Awareness Day: Empowering Yourself with Knowledge

August 14, 2023|

Financial Awareness Day: Empowering Yourself with Knowledge Empowering Yourself with Knowledge on National Financial Awareness Day!  Today - National Financial Awareness Day - is a significant occasion highlighting the importance of being informed and empowered about personal finance matters. It serves as a reminder to take control of our financial well-being and strive for financial literacy. We at Ascentim thought this was the perfect occasion to explore the value of financial knowledge, the consequences of financial illiteracy, and how you can empower yourself through education.  Empowering Yourself with Financial Knowledge  Literacy is the foundation of financial ...

Aug7, 2023

Mastering the Fundamentals of Financial Security

August 7, 2023|

Mastering the Fundamentals of Financial Security August is Money Month at Ascentim. And we're kicking off our blog series by mastering the fundamentals of financial security. A strong foundation is essential to achieving long-term financial success and security. Just as a sturdy house requires a solid foundation, your financial journey requires a strong base to weather unexpected challenges and reach your goals. By mastering the fundamentals, such as budgeting, debt management, saving, and investing, you lay the groundwork for a brighter financial future. So let's discuss each fundamental and explore their significance in building a ...

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