Does Personal Coaching Really Work?
Yes, Coaching Works!
If you are ready to invest in yourself and your future, coaching might be the very best investment you can make. Why? I firmly believe that personal coaching is the fastest way to move, or ascend, from where you are to where you truly want to be.
How long does it take? That depends on the unique path you are walking. Just one session may be enough to break through the barriers holding you back. Or you may experience incremental progress over several months. There will be times when you’ll take giant steps forward and times when you’ll move forward in inches. Either way, each interaction will drive you closer to your #goals. And, with persistence, you will achieve #success. If you’re committed to the process and willing to put in the work, then yes, absolutely – coaching works!
Achieve Measurable Results
But you don’t have to take my word for it. Here’s what a few Ascentim clients had to say:
“Coaching challenged me in such a wonderful way.” – Angela
Cultivating meaningful connections is essential for success in any endeavor. But Angela had difficulty assembling and engaging a diverse network of close allies. So we worked together to determine the roles on her personal ‘board of advisors’ she needed to fill. Then, we coached her on how to seek out the right people and build those relationships. As a result, Angela says that Ascentim coaching “challenged me in such a wonderful way. It challenged me to think differently and step outside my comfort zone. It helped me identify and overcome obstacles that were holding me back.” Looking back at the decision she made to partner with Ascentim, she stated, “I now appreciate the value and lifelong long benefits of coaching.”
“The laser-focused session changed the game for me.” – Atiya
Atiya scheduled a 90-minute Power Coaching session with Ascentim to prepare for an important interview. The position was her dream job. And it was at a company whose values aligned with hers. She was terrified of blowing it. But after her session, Atiya described our time together as a “game-changer.” After just one laser-focused session, she said, “I was able to alleviate what I thought was insurmountable nervous energy. The session helped me develop a strategy, including rehearsing and refining responses to potential questions.” The best part? Atiya nailed the interview. And, ultimately, received the job offer! That’s what we call winning.
“Through coaching, we turned our finances around.” – Albert & Leanne
Albert and Leanne, a married couple, came to Ascentim for a much-needed “fresh perspective” on their finances. They told me, “We have faced major financial challenges over the last several years, and we needed some guidance.” After a few months of financial coaching, they gained the new perspective they were seeking, saying, “We now see money as an instrument that we control instead of allowing money to control us.” Furthermore, they finally made significant progress toward their financial goals. “We are tithing faithfully to our church and have money in our savings account. We also paid off a couple of debts and are on track to pay off a few more by year-end.” Albert and Leanne are thrilled to be on their way to financial freedom.
The Results Are Typical
How often have you seen an advertisement or article with a disclaimer that reads “results not typical”? Well, the results above are typical for professional coaching. And there is a good reason – because most people who invest in personal or executive coaching are highly-motivated. And they are committed to their success journey. Therefore, with the guidance of a certified coach, positive outcomes are the norm.
What are your most important goals right now? No matter what they are, coaching is likely to help you achieve them faster.
Are you ready to experience similar results? Schedule a complimentary consultation today. Let’s explore how we can help you on your way to whatever it is that success looks like for you. Invest in yourself, and you too will find that #coachingworks!
Lisa L. Baker is a professional life coach, career strategist, and keynote speaker. Lisa is the founder of Ascentim – a Maryland-based coaching practice that utilizes a unique G.R.O.W. process to help clients gain clarity, realize new possibilities, overcome obstacles, and win at life.
She shows high-performing professionals how to Level Up – get connected, get promoted, get wealth – and Live the Life of Their Dreams.