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Archives for FAQs

May29, 2022

Are there different types of coaching?

May 29, 2022|

Yes. There are a number of niche practice areas and coaching disciplines, and you will find that many of them overlap. According to recent a survey of professional coaches, most coaching practices fall under the following broad categories: Leadership (25%) Executive (18%) Business (16%) Life Vision & Enhancement (13%)

May29, 2022

Why does it matter if my coach is a member of the ICF?

May 29, 2022|

Anyone can call themselves a coach, but that doesn’t mean they are qualified.  An ICF-credentialed coach must meet a high standard of education and experience requirements. They must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the core coaching competencies that set the standard in the profession. Finally, every ICF member has pledged to adhere to a code of ethics.

May29, 2022

What is the role of a coach?

May 29, 2022|

My primary job is to help you discover and clarify what you really want to achieve so we can align your purpose with a powerful plan of action. I’ll foster your journey of self-discovery and encourage you to generate the solutions and strategies that make sense for you. Then I’ll help you stay on track by holding you accountable for your commitments. With passion, effort, and a sustained focus, you will make your ascent.  

May29, 2022

Is coaching the same as Psychotherapy?

May 29, 2022|

No. Professional coaching is often confused with therapy, counseling, mentoring, training, or athletic development. Each of those are different professions with unique skillsets, qualifications, objectives, and outcomes. 

May29, 2022

What is professional coaching?

May 29, 2022|

Coaching is a client-driven process that focuses on setting goals, creating outcomes, and managing personal change. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as "partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential."  We keep it simple here. At Ascentim, we describe coaching as a process that accelerates the journey from where you are now to where you really want to be. 

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